Thursday, January 17, 2008


The University of Washington Speech and
Hearing Clinic offers many types of sup-
port for their clients. One of these is a
group specifically designed for adults with
aphasia as a result of stroke and/or brain
injury. The group meets on a weekly basis
and is facilitated by Nancy Alarcon, M.S.,

Members of the group state that the group
helps them with “understanding the experi-
ence” [of aphasia] and that it offers them a
“comfortable environment” in which they
can share a “common tragedy”. UW APHASIA GROUP 2001

Left to Right: Doug Graham, Jean Williams, Bob Anderson, NEXT...

Aphasia support group starts up

Herald Times Reporter

TWO RIVERS – Aurora Medical Center is introducing a monthly support group called SpeakEasy for people with aphasia, a condition that may affect a person’s ability to speak, understand speech, read and write.

SpeakEasy will meet from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at Aurora Medical Center, 5000 Memorial Drive, Two Rivers.

Meetings are free and open to the public.

Aphasia is usually acquired as a result of a stroke or other brain injury and may add considerable stress to a family’s daily routine, according to an Aurora news release.

A person diagnosed with aphasia has to deal with the change in his or her ability to communicate and participate in prior activities. Family and friends may feel helpless and frustrated because they cannot understand exactly what their loved one is thinking or trying to say.

SpeakEasy meetings will provide an opportunity to share ideas, frustrations and learn ways to increase communication in everyday life.

“We chose the name ‘SpeakEasy’ due to its double meaning,” said Aurora speech and language pathologist Valerie Shepperd. “It refers not only to the idea of communicating freely, but also brings to mind the speakeasies established during prohibition where people went to relax and have a good time.”